Variable substitution in rest api filter parameters

Copper Contributor

Hi All,


I am a beginner in powershell.I was trying to call Tableau REST APIs using powershell.To make the script generic i would need to pass the filter parameters by through a variable.In the example below,

I have a csv file filterfile,which has two columns -Fit Name,Set Name.

Fit Name    Set Name

A                   AA

B                   BB


I would need the filter parameter in $param to get expanded down the line in the context of invoke restmethod.Since the csv has only two rows(it can have N number of rows),the expanded values should be


Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$server/api/3.5/sites/$siteID/views/$responseD/PDF?vf_Filter1=A&vf_Filter2=AA"


Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$server/api/3.5/sites/$siteID/views/$responseD/PDF?vf_Filter1=B&vf_Filter2=BB"


sample code:

$param="vf_Filter1=$($_.{Fit Name})&vf_Filter2=$($_.{Set Name})"

Import-Csv $filterfile | ForEach-object{

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$server/api/3.5/sites/$siteID/views/$responseD/PDF?$Param"



Someone kindly help.



3 Replies

@ann_joseph I think this is a good usecase for the -f format operator.

In short, you put "anchors" in your string in the form of {0} for the first one and {1} for the second, etc. You can then "inject" actual values into those using -f.

Here's an example of it's use in your sample:


$param = 'vf_Filter1={0}&vf_Filter2={1}'

Import-Csv $filterfile | ForEach-object{
    # Take $param and "inject" $_.'Fit Name' into {0} and $_.'Set Name' into {1},
    # assigning result into new variable
    $Filter = $param -f $_.'Fit Name', $_.'Set Name'

    $Uri = "$server/api/3.5/sites/$siteID/views/$responseD/PDF?$Filter"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri


Hope that makes sense!

@Joshua King  Thank you so much for the reply.


I am looking to perform the inject step prior to the import-csv. So that the script can become more generic and others can just change the $param and $filter from the top portion of variable assignments rather than allowing them to edit inside the script.

$param = 'vf_Filter1={0}&vf_Filter2={1}'
 $Filter = $param -f $_.'Fit Name', $_.'Set Name'


Import-Csv $filterfile | ForEach-object{
$Uri = "$server/api/3.5/sites/$siteID/views/$responseD/PDF?$Filter"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri


@Joshua King  I tried this solution.But the $Filter in the Uri is space when we put it in uri.

Kindly help