Update AD Users' Email Address from CSV where this field is empty in AD (except specific domain)

Copper Contributor

Hi There,


I am trying to create a PS script with the following conditions and hoping someone here is able to guide me. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.


Import users from a CSV file with 2 fields (AcccountName, Email). The import process should target/update AD users matching the users in the CSV with "EmailAddress" AD Attribute when its blank (null) and exclude users who have an existing email address "@ourcompany.com" already within the AD Attribute. 


My script is as per below and it doesn't work. :(


Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$rootPath = "C:\Scripts"

$Users = Import-Csv -Delimiter "," -Path ($rootPath + "\Users.csv")

foreach($user in $Users){


(Get-ADUser -SearchBase "CN=Users,DC=test,DC=local" -properties EmailAddress -Filter {EmailAddress -notlike '*mycompany.com' -and EmailAddress -eq ""})


{Set-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -EmailAddress $User.Email}


ELSE {Write-Host "No update possible as this User $user already has a Company Email Address"}

3 Replies

@PSNewie2021summat like:

foreach($user in $Users)
    $adUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $user.AccountName -Properties EmailAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        # user exists 
        if([System.string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($adUser.EmailAddress) )
            # email address is empty, set it
            $adUser | Set-ADUser -EmailAddress $User.Email
        elseif($adUser.EmailAddress -like '*mycompany.com')
            # Leave this email alone. 
            # email address exists, what to do here?  
        # The user does not exist.  This is probably an error of soem sort. 

Assuming the Get-ADUser line succeeds  of course.



Good Day@psophos I like the idea of this, but I want to use it for something other then email.

Is this possible? IE, I need to modify the homePostalAddress, this is currently either clear or has a License code using A2B1 etc etc. I need the blanks to have this A2B1C1D1, the reason I cannot run a script to ovewright everything is everyone is not the same, some have A2B1C2D1J1 and some have A2B1C1D1J4 etc, 



General etiquette would be to start your own thread for this question.

If you just want to set the field if its blank, then this is a two step process.
Not tested, but it will be something like.


Get-ADUser -properties homePostalAddress -filter 'homePostalAddress -notLike "*"' | 
  ForEach {Set-ADuser -Identity $_ -Add @{homePostalAddress = 'A2B1C1D1'}}