Apr 26 2023 06:34 AM
Hello everyone,
first of all, im not a programmer so sorry for any stupid thing i said, in advance
I've "made" a script that alert me via mail if a scheduled task gives a specific ID event (for example ID 322 instance already running) on the company's server. This is because we have an app that run via task scheduler every 5 minutes, but sometimes the app freeze, so task scheduler does not run it again because it's already running (but not working).
$SmtpClient = new-object system.net.mail.smtpClient
$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$SmtpClient.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
$SmtpClient.Port = 587
$smtpclient.EnableSsl = $true
$mailmessage.from = ("email address removed for privacy reasons")
$mailmessage.To.add("email address removed for privacy reasons")
$mailmessage.Subject = “Import Server Alert ID322”
$mailmessage.Body = “Server Dat-TaskScheduler-Evento 322. Richiesta di avvio ignorata. Istanza già in esecuzione”
$smtpclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("email address removed for privacy reasons", "password")
It work, but i'd like to add on the mail's body the result of get-WinEvent so it can show me which task "failed".
Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 -FilterHashtable @{ logname='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational';ID=322} |
Select @{n='Time';e={$_.TimeCreated}},
If possible, it would also be nice to have a single script that alert me on more than one ID event.
Thank to everyone in advance and to the ones i copied the script
(mostly https://superuser.com/questions/249103/make-windows-task-scheduler-alert-me-on-fail and https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/3615923e-8a51-49f4-aedd-b595cf960a6d/extracting-da...
Apr 27 2023 03:03 PM
Hi @Nicola1976
Click through the wizard and then set your Trigger and as Action use your SendMail Script
Apr 30 2023 07:40 PM
Hello @Nicola1976,
One of the possible options is to add table and format your email in HTML.
Something along those lines:
$SmtpClient = new-object system.net.mail.smtpClient
$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$SmtpClient.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
$SmtpClient.Port = 587
$smtpclient.EnableSsl = $true
$mailmessage.from = ("email address removed for privacy reasons")
$mailmessage.To.add("email address removed for privacy reasons")
$mailmessage.Subject = “Import Server Alert ID322”
#Render email as HTML
#Get your event
$Event=Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 -FilterHashtable @{ logname='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational';ID=322}
#Create simple HTML table
<p>Server <b>Dat-TaskScheduler-Event 322</b>. Richiesta di avvio ignorata. Istanza già in esecuzione.
Si prega di rivedere i dettagli di seguito
<table style="width:100%">
$smtpclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("email address removed for privacy reasons", "password")
Hope that helps.