Jun 08 2022 11:43 AM
I need to go over a list of web services and query them individually and pull the details and store it into the database, I designed the code in the following way
Script 1 connects to the SNOW and pulls in the list of web servcies that i need to connect and loops them through the list and triggers a "Start-ThreadJob" with the service name as an argument
Scipt 2 connects to that specific web service (received as an argument) and connects to it and pull in the data and reports it to the database.
When i run the script 1 manually The script 1 is successfully calling all the required web services and the data is being reported to the database, however when i try to call the script 1 using the windows schdule task, The script 1 executes but the script 2 is not being triggered. do i need to set
Any specific excution policies
Any inputs is appreciated, Here is an example for how the script 1 and 2 looks
Script 1
#Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
#Function Name: ErrorHandler
#Inputs: Error Type(Info, Warning or Error), Error String
#Output: None
#Description: If the error type is 'Error' then captures the last known exceptions reported and appends to the file.
# If the error type is something else then the error message is appended to the log file.
Function ErrorHandler ($errType, $ErrorString)
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format o
if ($errType -eq 'Error')
$errorstr = $timestamp + ' : ' + $errType + ' - ' + $ErrorString + $Error[0].Exception
$errorstr = $timestamp + ' : ' + $errType + ' - ' + $ErrorString
$errcounter = 0
$maxerrcounter = 5
$errorstr | Out-File $ErrFile -Append
Start-Sleep 10
}while ($errcounter -le $maxerrcounter)
#Initialize Variable
#Key file path
$CredFilePath = "E:\WIS\MonitorConfiguration\Schduled\Stage\creds\"
#Error file name
$ErrFile = 'C:\MonitorReportLogs\Sitescope_Config_Pull.log'
$authorization = $null
#SNOW API server fqdn
$SnowFQDNhost = "<Server Name>"
#Build Snow API authorization header
$user= Get-Content $CredFilePath'SNOW_User.txt'
$KeyFile = $CredFilePath+'AES.key'
$key = Get-Content $KeyFile
$EncryptedPW = Get-Content $CredFilePath'SNOW_Pass.txt' | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $key
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($EncryptedPW)
$pass = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
$pair = "$($user):$($pass)"
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
$authorization = "Basic $encodedCreds"
#SNOW API authorization Header assignment
$Headers = @{
Authorization = $authorization
#Query SNOW for the list of sitescope instances
$snowsysurl="https://" + $SnowFQDNhost + "/api/now/table/u_cmdb_relationship_report?sysparm_query=u_service.name=BSM SiteScope - Production&sysparm_fields=u_hardware.fqdn"
$info=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $snowsysurl -Headers $Headers
$errStr = "SNOW Sitescope server list API request for the URL: "+ $snowsysurl +" failed - "
ErrorHandler 'Error' $errStr
#Process each sitescope instance monitor data
If($info -eq $null){
$errStr = "Unhandled Exception parsing data for " + $SnowFQDNhost + " exiting Script."
ErrorHandler 'Error' $errStr
#convert the JSON response to PS Custom data object dictionary
$snowContent = $info | ConvertFrom-Json
#Query each sitescope on the list and process the configuration data
$jobCounter = 0
if (($snowContent.result.'u_hardware.fqdn' -ne $null) -and ($snowContent.result.'u_hardware.fqdn' -ne ''))
foreach($obj in $snowContent.result.'u_hardware.fqdn')
if (($obj -ne $null) -and ($obj -ne ''))
Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock {param($hostname) E:\WIS\MonitorConfiguration\Schduled\Stage\SIS_Config_DB_Push.ps1 $hostname}`
-ArgumentList ($obj) -ThrottleLimit 10 -Name $obj
$errStr = "Triggered the script for server : "+ $obj
ErrorHandler 'Info' $errStr
$errStr = "SNOW Sitescope server list API request for the URL: "+ $snowsysurl +" returned 0 records."
ErrorHandler 'Error' $errStr
#Garbage Collection
$info = $null
$snowContent = $null
Script 2: (Limited Version)
#Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
#Function Name: ErrorHandler
#Inputs: Error Type(Info, Warning or Error), Error String
#Output: None
#Description: If the error type is 'Error' then captures the last known exceptions reported and appends to the file.
# If the error type is something else then the error message is appended to the log file.
Function ErrorHandler ($errType, $ErrorString)
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format o
if ($errType -eq 'Error')
$errorstr = $timestamp + ' : ' + $errType + ' - Server Name: ' + $SiSServerName + ' - ' + $ErrorString + $Error[0].Exception
$errorstr = $timestamp + ' : ' + $errType + ' - Server Name: ' + $SiSServerName + ' - ' + $ErrorString
$errcounter = 0
$maxerrcounter = 5
$errorstr | Out-File $ErrFile -Append
Start-Sleep 10
}while ($errcounter -le $maxerrcounter)
$obj = $args[0]
#Error file name
$ErrFile = 'C:\MonitorReportLogs\Sitescope_Config_Pull.log'
$errStr = "Start processing data for " + $obj
ErrorHandler 'Info' $errStr