PowerShell command to list all Internet explorer - EDGE  add-ons?

Copper Contributor

Hello, people is there any PowerShell command to list all Internet explorer - EDGE  add-ons?


3 Replies



For Microsoft Edge Chromium you can use this, but not all extensions register the same info but it's a start perhaps ;) 


foreach ($extension in Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions" -Filter manifest.json -Recurse) {
    Get-Content -Path $extension.Fullname | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object Author, Name, Description, Browser_Action


Outputs something like this:



@p0db0t Searched a bit and found this one, it lists it so much better :) It does however also show installed software and you have to trim it a bit to adjust it to your needs. (It's made to report to SCCM)


# The script queries the selected profile paths to find installed browser extensions and write them into a custom WMI class to be picked up by ConfigMgr Hardware Inventory

Start-Transcript -Path "$env:SystemRoot\Temp\BrowserInventory.log"

# ***** Configuration Options *****
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # Override the default to hide errors.  Comment this line to show standard error messgaes.

$boolInventoryChrome = $true
$boolInventoryMozilla = $true
$boolInventoryEdge = $true

$strChromeProfilePathAppend = "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions"
$strMozillaProfilePathAppend = "AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles"
$strEdgeProfilePath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsApps"
$CustomWMIClassName = "cm_BrowserExtensionsV1"

$boolExcludeCommonExtensions = $true  #optional, if you want to exclude the following common browser extensions (these are typically preinstalled or mass installed)
$strCommonGoogleExtensions = 'Google Docs','Google Sheets','Google Slides','Google Drive','YouTube','Gmail','Google Docs Offline','Chrome Web Store Payments','Chrome Media Router'
$strCommonMozillaExtensions = ''
$strCommonEdgeExtensions = ''
$strCommon3rdPartyExtensions = 'Adobe Acrobat'

$boolInventoryPreinstalledMicrosoftApps = $false # there are hundreds of preinstalled Apps from Microsoft.  If you want to inventory them, set this to $true, otherwise they will be skipped

#Combine the excluded extension lists for use later
$strCommonExtensions = $strCommonGoogleExtensions + $strCommonMozillaExtensions + $strCommonEdgeExtensions + $strCommon3rdPartyExtensions


# ***** Functions *****

# Function to create the custom WMI class
# Note that, once the class has been created on a device, it must be manually deleted if you want to add any additional columns of data
Function Prepare-Wmi-Class()
		Get-WMIObject $CustomWMIClassName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable strWMIClassError | Out-Null
		# If the GET failed, the class doesn't exist, so create it.  If not, it exists so clean it out.
		If ($strWMIClassError)
				Write-Host "WMI Class $CustomWMIClassName does not exist.  Try to create it.`n" -ForegroundColor Green
						$newClass = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass("root\cimv2", [String]::Empty, $null); 

						$newClass["__CLASS"] = "$CustomWMIClassName";

						$newClass.Qualifiers.Add("Static", $true)
						$newClass.Properties.add("Counter", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("ProfilePath", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("FolderDate", [System.Management.CimType]::DateTime, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("FolderName", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("Browser", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("Name", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("Version", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
						$newClass.Properties.add("ScriptLastRan", [System.Management.CimType]::DateTime, $false)
						$newClass.Properties["Counter"].Qualifiers.Add("Key", $true)
							Write-Host "Could not create WMI class" -ForegroundColor Red
        					Exit 1
					Write-Host "WMI Class $CustomWMIClassName exists.  Clear it out and proceed with logging.`n" -ForegroundColor Green
					# Remove all existing instances of the WMI class
					Get-WmiObject $CustomWMIClassName | Remove-WmiObject

# Extract the Mozilla files
Function ExtractMozillaExtensionPackage ($strMozillaExtensionPackagePath, $strBrowserDataToFind)
		# If the temp extraction directory already exists, remove it	
		$strTempFolderRoot = "$strMozillaExtensionPackagePath\SLPS_TEMP"
		If (Test-Path $strTempFolderRoot) {Remove-Item $strTempFolderRoot -Recurse -Force}
		# Get the list of XPI files
		$arrExtensionPackages = (Get-ChildItem -Path $strMozillaExtensionPackagePath -Filter "*.xpi" -Recurse).FullName
		# Bind to each XPI file and unzip it
		ForEach ($objExtensionPackage in $arrExtensionPackages)
				$objArchiveFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $objExtensionPackage
				$objArchiveName = $objArchiveFile.Name

				# Open the XPI file
				$objArchive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($objArchiveFile)
				# Try to unzip it
						# Define the target of the extracted files
						$strTempFolder = "$strTempFolderRoot\$objArchiveName".Trim(".xpi") + "\Extracted"
						# If the temp folder doesn't exist, create it
						If (!(Test-Path $strTempFolder)) {New-Item -ItemType "Directory" $strTempFolder | Out-Null}
						# Extract the files
						[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToDirectory($objArchive, $strTempFolder)
							Write-Host "Error extracting $objArchiveName $_" -ForegroundColor Red
		# Read the manifest files
		GetManifestFiles $strTempFolderRoot $strBrowserDataToFind "manifest.json"
		# Remove the temp directory when complete - this isn't really necessary, as it gets removed the next time the script runs.  It's also helpful for troubleshooting to leave it.
#		Remove-Item $strTempFolderRoot -Recurse -Force


# Inventory the browser extensions
Function InventoryExtensions  ($strUserProfilePath, $strBrowserDataToFind)
		# Browser specific searches
		# For Chrome, just search the given path
		If ($strBrowserDataToFind -eq "CHROME") 
				# Append the Chrome path
				$strManifestSearchPath = $strUserProfilePath + "\" + $strChromeProfilePathAppend
				# Read the manifest files
				GetManifestFiles $strManifestSearchPath $strBrowserDataToFind "manifest.json"
		# If it's Mozilla, we have to extract the packages into a temp folder first
		If ($strBrowserDataToFind -eq "MOZILLA") 
				If (Test-Path "$strUserProfilePath\$strMozillaProfilePathAppend") 
						# Set the path to the profiles.
						$arrMozillaProfiles = Get-ChildItem "$strUserProfilePath\$strMozillaProfilePathAppend" | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer}
						# For each profile folder, we need to extract the XPI files (zipped extension pacakges) into a temp folder, then run the Manifest check
						ForEach ($objMozillaProfile in $arrMozillaProfiles)
								# Run the Extraction routine against the Extension profile folder
								ExtractMozillaExtensionPackage "$($objMozillaProfile.FullName)\Extensions" $strBrowserDataToFind
		# For Edge, we'll use PowerShell cmdlets to get the data
		If ($strBrowserDataToFind -eq "EDGE") 
				# Set the Edge path
				$strManifestSearchPath = $strEdgeProfilePath
				# Get the username from the profile path
				$strAppxUser = $strUserProfilePath.Replace("$strProfileRoot\","")
				# Get a list of Apps for this user
				$objUserAppxPackages = Get-AppxPackage -User $strAppxUser
				# For each app, run the GetManifest function
				ForEach ($objUserAppxPackage in $objUserAppxPackages)
						# If flag is not set to $true and the App Publisher contains "Microsoft", don't inventory it. Otherwise, proceed with the inventory.
						If ($boolInventoryPreinstalledMicrosoftApps -eq $true -or ($boolExcludePreinstalledMicrosoftEdgeExtensions -ne $true -and $objUserAppxPackage.Publisher -notlike "*Microsoft*"))
								# Clear the variables
								$global:dtFolderDateToRecord = Get-Date
								$global:strExtensionFolderNameToRecord = ""
								# Set the FolderName to the installation folder
								$global:strExtensionFolderNameToRecord = ($objUserAppxPackage.InstallLocation).Replace("$strEdgeProfilePath\","")
								# Try to get the date from the installation folder
										$global:dtFolderDateToRecord = Get-ChildItem $objUserAppxPackage.InstallLocation | Select-Object -Last 1 | ForEach-Object { ($_.lastwritetime.tostring("yyyyMMddhhmmss"))+ '.000000-000'  } 
											Write-Host "Could not record the date for $($objUserAppxPackage.InstallLocation): $_"
											$global:dtFolderDateToRecord = "19000101000000" + '.000000-000'
								# Read the manifest files
								ReadAppxManifestXML $objUserAppxPackage.PackageFullName $strAppxUser $strBrowserDataToFind
							#Else {Write-Host "$($objUserAppxPackage.PackageFullName) - Skipped"}

# Get a list of all manifest files in the given path
Function GetManifestFiles ($strManifestSearchPath, $strBrowserDataToFind, $strDefaultManifestFileName)
		# Clear the variables
		$global:dtFolderDateToRecord = ""
		$global:strExtensionFolderNameToRecord = ""

		# Search the path
		If (Test-Path $strManifestSearchPath)
						# Get an array of Extension folders from the Manifest File Search Path - this should be a list of folders, each containing the Extension files
						$arrExtensionFolders = Get-ChildItem $strManifestSearchPath | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer}
						# Go through the array of Extension folders
						ForEach ($objExtensionFolder in $arrExtensionFolders) 
								# If this is Chrome, there will be a list of Version folders under the Extension folder so we need to iterate those.  For other browsers, we'll fake it.
								$arrExtensionVersionFolders = Get-ChildItem $objExtensionFolder.FullName | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer}
								# Go through the version folders in the extension folder
								ForEach ($objExtensionVersionFolder in $arrExtensionVersionFolders)
										# Record the Extension Folder Name
										$global:strExtensionFolderNameToRecord = $objExtensionFolder.Name
										# Record the Extension Folder Date
										$global:dtFolderDateToRecord = Get-ChildItem $objExtensionVersionFolder.FullName | Select-Object -Last 1 | ForEach-Object { ($_.lastwritetime.tostring("yyyyMMddhhmmss"))+ '.000000-000'  } 
										# Inside each version folder, get the manifest.json file
										$strManifestFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $objExtensionVersionFolder.FullName -filter $strDefaultManifestFileName -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName
										# If the manifest file exists, read it
										If ($strManifestFilePath)
												# If the Manifest file is manifest.json, call that function to find the Extension Name and Version
												If ($strDefaultManifestFileName = "manifest.json")
														ReadManifestJSONFile $strManifestFilePath
												# Record the info to WMI
												RecordExtensionsToWMI $strExtensionNameToRecord $strUserProfilePath $dtFolderDateToRecord $strExtensionFolderNameToRecord $strBrowserDataToFind $strVersionToRecord
						{Write-Host "Error reading manifest files $_" -ForegroundColor Red}

# Read the required info from the manifest.json file
Function ReadManifestJSONFile ($strManifestFilePath)
		# Clear the variables
		$strVersionLabelFromManifest = ""
		$strNameLabelFromManifest = ""
		$strVersionValueFromManifest = ""
		$strNameValueFromManifest = ""
		$global:strVersionToRecord = ""
		$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = ""		
		If (Test-Path $strManifestFilePath) 
				ForEach ($objManifestFilePath in $strManifestFilePath)
						# Read the Manifest file into an object
						$objManifestJSONFile = Get-Content $strManifestFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json
						# Inside manifest.json file, read the Version info
						$strVersionValueFromManifest = $objManifestJSONFile.Version
						# Record the version info
						$global:strVersionToRecord = $strVersionValueFromManifest
						# Inside manifest.json file, read the Name info
						$strNameValueFromManifest = $objManifestJSONFile.Name
						# If Name starts with underscores (i.e. "__MSG_APP_NAME__") then look in the messages.json files for a language specific name.  Otherwise, use the name from the routine above.
					   	If ($strNameValueFromManifest -like "__*") 
								# Get the name to search for  in messages.json
								$strMessageNameToFind = $strNameValueFromManifest.Trim("_").Trim("MSG_")
							   	# If the variables already exist, remove them
								If ($strMessagesFile1) {Remove-Variable -Name strMessagesFile1}
								If ($strMessagesFile2) {Remove-Variable -Name strMessagesFile2}
								# Set the Messages folder variables to the 2 likely English language folders
								$objManifestFileFolder = (Get-ChildItem $strManifestFilePath).DirectoryName
								$strMessagesFile1 = "$objManifestFileFolder\_locales\en\messages.json"
							    $strMessagesFile2 = "$objManifestFileFolder\_locales\en_US\messages.json"

								# Call the function to search the messages.json file
								If (Test-Path $strMessagesFile1)
										ReadMessagesFile $strMessagesFile1 $strMessageNameToFind

								# If the name wasn't found in the first file, search the second
								If ($strExtensionNameToRecord -eq "" -and (Test-Path $strMessagesFile2))
										# Call the function with the second file
										ReadMessagesFile $strMessagesFile2 $strMessageNameToFind
								# If the name wasn't found in the second file, record it as Unknown
								If ($strExtensionNameToRecord -eq "") {$strExtensionNameToRecord = "Unknown"}
								{$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = $strNameValueFromManifest}


# Read the required info from the AppxManifest.XML
Function ReadAppxManifestXML ($strAppxManifestPackageName, $strAppxUser, $strBrowserDataToFind)
		# Clear the variables
		$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = ""		
		$global:strVersionToRecord = ""
		# Record the package name
		$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = (Get-AppxPackageManifest -Package $strAppxManifestPackageName -User $strAppxUser).Package.Properties.DisplayName

		#Write-Host "Name: $strExtensionNameToRecord"
		# Record the package version
		$global:strVersionToRecord = (Get-AppxPackageManifest -Package $strAppxManifestPackageName -User $strAppxUser).Package.Identity.Version

		#Write-Host "Version: $strVersionToRecord"
		# Record the info to WMI
		RecordExtensionsToWMI $strExtensionNameToRecord $strUserProfilePath $dtFolderDateToRecord $strExtensionFolderNameToRecord $strBrowserDataToFind $strVersionToRecord
# Read the required info from the messages.json file
Function ReadMessagesFile ($strMessagesFilePath, $strMessageNameToFind)
		# Clear the variable
		$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = ""
		# Search the given folder to find a messages.json file
		If (Test-Path $strMessagesFilePath) 
				# Clear the variables
				$strNameLabelFromMessages = ""
				$strNameValueFromMessages = ""
				$intMessagesLineNumber = ""
				$intMessagesNextLineNumber = ""
				# Search the messages.json file to find the specified text and get the line number
		      	$intMessagesLineNumber = Select-String """$strMessageNameToFind""" $strMessagesFilePath | ForEach-Object {$_.LineNumber}
				# Get the content of the next line as that one should have the name
		      	$intMessagesNextLineNumber = (Get-Content $strMessagesFilePath)[$intMessagesLineNumber]
				# Trim the Value of any spaces, commas, and double-quotes   #Value 6 should be the name
		      	$strNameLabelFromMessages,$strNameValueFromMessages = $intMessagesNextLineNumber.Split(':').Trim().Trim([Char]0x002c).Trim([Char]0x0022)
		  		# Check to see if Label6 was actually the 'Message' that we were looking for.  Sometimes it's the next (or the next) line.
		  		If ($strNameLabelFromMessages.Trim() -eq "message") {$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = $strNameValueFromMessages} 
							# If it wasn't right, go to the next line, get the content, and trim it.
				          	$intMessagesNextLineNumber = (Get-Content $strMessagesFilePath)[$intMessagesLineNumber+1]
				          	$strNameLabelFromMessages,$strNameValueFromMessages = $intMessagesNextLineNumber.Split(':').Trim().Trim([Char]0x002c).Trim([Char]0x0022)
					  		# Check it again
					  		If ($strNameLabelFromMessages.Trim() -eq "message") {$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = $strNameValueFromMessages} 
										# If it still isn't right, check one more time.  Get the content and trim it.
										$intMessagesNextLineNumber = (Get-Content $strMessagesFilePath)[$intMessagesLineNumber+2]
						          		$strNameLabelFromMessages,$strNameValueFromMessages = $intMessagesNextLineNumber.Split(':').Trim().Trim([Char]0x002c).Trim([Char]0x0022)
										# If it found something that time, record it
										If ($strNameLabelFromMessages.Trim() -eq "message") {$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = $strNameValueFromMessages }
		  		# If none of those checks found the right name, record the name as Unknown
		  		If ($strExtensionNameToRecord -eq "") {$global:strExtensionNameToRecord = "Unknown"}
# Write the specified info into WMI
Function RecordExtensionsToWMI ($strNameWMI, $strProfilePathWMI, $dtFolderDateWMI, $strFolderNameWMI, $strBrowserWMI, $strVersionWMI)
		# Output the Name and Version
		Write-Host -NoNewline "$strBrowserWMI / $strNameWMI / $strVersionWMI"
		#Write-Host -NoNewLine " / $strProfilePathWMI / $dtFolderDateWMI / $strFolderNameWMI / $intBrowserExtensionCount" # Additional logging data
		# Check to see if the Extension name is in the list of Extensions to Include
		If ($boolExcludeCommonExtensions -eq $true) 
		    	If ($strCommonExtensions -match $strExtensionNameToRecord) 
				    	# The extension name is on the list so skip it and output
						Write-Host " - Excluded" -ForegroundColor Red
			# Record into WMI
		    (Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:$CustomWMIClassName  -Arguments @{
		        ScriptLastRan=$dtScriptRunTime}) | Out-Null
				# Increment the counter  
				Write-Host " - Recorded" -ForegroundColor Green

# Start a ConfigMgr hardware scan
Function StartConfigMgrInventory ($boolRunFullInventory)
		# Set the type of scan to ConfigMgr Hardware Inventory
		$strScanType = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"

		# If specified, wipe out the current Hardware Inventory to initiate a full refresh.
		If ($boolRunFullInventory -eq $true)
				Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\ccm\invagt" -Class InventoryActionStatus | where {$_.InventoryActionID -eq "$strScanType"} | Remove-WmiObject

		# Try to kick off the inventory
		Try {
				Write-Host "Starting ConfigMgr Hardware Inventory..."
				Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $env:ComputerName -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_Client -Name TriggerSchedule -ArgumentList $strScanType -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
					Write-Host "Hardware Inventory failed for $env:ComputerName`: $_" -ForegroundColor Red

# ***** End of Functions *****

# ***** Process Script *****

# ***** Set internal script variables *****
$global:intBrowserExtensionCount = 1
$strProfileListKey = 'Registry::HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*'
$strProfilePathsList = Get-ItemProperty -Path $strProfileListKey | Select-Object -Property ProfileImagePath
$strProfileRoot = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList").ProfilesDirectory

# Record the script run time in a WMI formatted variable
$dtScriptRunTime = New-Object -ComObject WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime
$dtScriptRunTime = $dtScriptRunTime.Value

# Import .NET 4.5 compression utilities
Add-Type -As System.IO.Compression.FileSystem | Out-Null

# Echo the start info
Write-Host "`n`nStarting Browser Inventory on $env:ComputerName at $(Get-Date -Format g)....`n"

# Check/Create/Clear the custom WMI class

# Go through the Windows user profiles and find each of the Chrome and Mozilla extensions
$strProfilePathsList | Foreach-object {

		If ($boolInventoryChrome -eq $true)
				# Check for Chrome Extensions
				InventoryExtensions $_.ProfileImagePath 'CHROME'
		If ($boolInventoryMozilla -eq $true)
				# Check for Mozilla Extensions
				InventoryExtensions $_.ProfileImagePath 'MOZILLA'
		If ($boolInventoryEdge -eq $true)
				# Check for Edge Extensions
				InventoryExtensions $_.ProfileImagePath 'EDGE'

# Kick off the ConfigMgr Inventory if any of the Browser Inventories was set to run and at least one extension was logged
If (($boolInventoryChrome -eq $true -or $boolInventoryMozilla -eq $true -or $boolInventoryEdge -eq $true) -and $intBrowserExtensionCount -gt 1)
		Write-Host "`nBrowser Extension Inventory recorded $($intBrowserExtensionCount - 1) extensions.  Requesting ConfigMgr Inventory update....`n"
		StartConfigMgrInventory $false

# Stop the Transcript