Sep 20 2022 02:33 PM
I am new to PowerShell and I am at a loss. Working with Idera I have put together this script
#To place the Instance in Maintenance Mode
#To enable the SQLDM provider, type the following within PowerShell
add-pssnapin sqldmsnapin
#To verify the snapin is registered
#To register the SQLdm drive, type the following within PowerShell. AAAAAAA000000\DEV01 is the instance where the Repository Database sits
#Need to know what Repository instance the instance is registered on
#Currently in Production there are 5: BBBBBBB000000\prod01, CCCCCCC000000\prod01, DDDDDDD000000\prod01, EEEEEEE000000\prod01, FFFFFFF000000\prod01
New-SQLdmDrive dm AAAAAAA000000\DEV01 SQLdmRepository
#Change to the dm drive
cd dm:\
#Sets maintenance mode to Until further notice. Schedule collection will not occur. ZZZZZZZ999999\DEV01 is the instance to be placed on maintenance mode.
Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance -Path (Escape-SQLdmName -Name ZZZZZZZ999999\DEV01) -MMAlways
I need to parameterize where the values AAAAAAA000000\DEV01 and ZZZZZZZ999999\DEV01 are. Can someone provide me with a web page that shows an example. They want me to save this as a ps1 file and then call it passing in the two parameters.
Sep 20 2022 04:59 PM
Hi, Laura.
Here's some relevant articles on parameters:
And here's a basic stub showing how to declare parameters.
, [parameter()][int]$MyParam2
, [parameter()][bool]$MyParam3
, [parameter()][switch]$MyParam4
# Do stuff with said parameters.
Sep 21 2022 11:17 PM
Sep 22 2022 06:13 AM
Sep 25 2022 06:05 PM
Hi, Laura.
Since this is not a Microsoft module, I've made some assumptions, but here's a safer version of what you've done. I've omitted the wealth of inline comments for brevity.
This version uses named parameters so the script doesn't break if the parameters are passed in in a different order.
I've omitted the Get-PSProvider commandlet as this carries no value inside the script. It's purely a visual confirmational step shown in a couple of web articles but it isn't actually doing anything.
According to Idera's documentation (which is rather crude, I must say), the Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance can accept a string array for the Path parameter, which I've reflected in the $Instances variable definition ([string[]] is an array of string values; [string] is just a single string value.)
[parameter(mandatory=$true)][string] $Repository
, [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string[]] $Instances = @()
Add-PSSnapin sqldmsnapin -ErrorAction:Stop;
New-SQLdmDrive dm $Repository SQLdmRepository;
Set-Location -Path dm:\ -ErrorAction:Stop;
Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance -Path (Escape-SQLdmName -Name $Instances) -MMAlways;
Again, I cannot test this as I do not use Idera but you would run this basic script something like the below examples:
Set-SqlMaintenanceMode -Repository "myserver\myinstance1" -Instances "dbhost1\instance1";
Set-SqlMaintenanceMode -Repository "myserver\myinstance1" -Instances "dbhost1\instance1", "dbhost1\instance2", "dbhost5\instance1", "dbhost5\instance2";