Iteration to check if content contains string does not work (PowerShell)

Copper Contributor

I am trying to get names of PS scripts in ci folder on GitHub, pass it out as strings and then check if that script name exists in a list of workflow yaml files.



 # Get contents of ci folder [Done]
    # pass names of ps1 files to a single array [Done]
    # get contents of .gtihub/workflow and .github/actions folders 
    # Pass File contents to an object/variable 
    # Check if array items are contained in each workflow files and then action files. 
    # if file is found in workflow/action file, output true else output false. 

    param (

    [string]$PAT = '[securestring]', # This token MUST have admin rights
    [string]$OrgName = '[string}'

    $headers = @{ Accept = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"; Authorization = "token $PAT"; sha = ""} 

    $Yamls = @()
    $Cis = @()

    #Get contents of workflows files in .github/workflows folder

    $WorkflowFiles = Invoke-RestMethod "$($OrgName)/bct-bbti-kpi/contents/.github/workflows" -Method Get -Headers $headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    foreach($WorkflowFile in $WorkflowFiles) {
    $Yamlfile = Invoke-RestMethod $WorkflowFile.url -Method Get -Headers $headers

    $Yamlfilecontents = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Yamlfile.content))



    #Get names of PowerShell Scripts in CI folder 

    $Cicontents = Invoke-RestMethod "$($OrgName)/bct-bbti-kpi/contents/ci" -Method Get -Headers $headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Write-Host CI folder contents
    Write-Host ""

    foreach($item in ${

    foreach($WorkflowFile in ${

    if($Yaml.ToString() -contains $item1.ToString()){

    Write-Host 'True'

    } else {
    Write-Host 'False'



Please I need help on how to successfully check if each item in $ a string) exists in the workflows files inside .github/workflows folder.

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