How to Fetch All the Group membership for a user in the Domain

Copper Contributor

I was asked to fetch few user's Group membership Across the Domain. I am trying to do it through the Powershell But did not get any idea.can anyone please help one with that?


Thanks Sanjeev


2 Replies



Not sure, in what environment you are looking this functionality. 


Use the below command in On-Premises Active Directory.


Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership UserName | Select Name

Use the below command in Azure Active Directory.


$objectId = (Get-AzureADUser -SearchString "").ObjectId
Get-AzureADUserMembership  -ObjectId $objectId



@Kevin Morgan 

I have a similar question and Im hoping you can assist since you are familiar with the command Im using.  

I would like to have powershell read a list of users (text file is fine) and perform 

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership UserName | Select Name
 for each user.  Ideally I would like this to be | Export-CSV with each user in its own column and groups listed underneath.  However I will take anything I can get at this point as long as I can tell what groups belong to which user.  I have tried Get-content and tried to pass that to an object or variable without any luck.  I hope you can assist me because I have a rather large project on my hands and this part of the project is slightly time consuming and I think PS can help but dont know how.