Feb 18 2023 03:53 AM
I am trying to use Python and WinRM to retrieve a list of all virtual machines in a Hyper-V cluster. I have a PowerShell script that works to retrieve the virtual machines owned by the current node, but I am having trouble modifying it to retrieve all virtual machines in the cluster.
Here's the current script that retrieves the virtual machines owned by the current node:
# Create a PowerShell session on the host machine
session = winrm.Session(host, auth=(username, password),transport='ntlm')
# Define the PowerShell command to retrieve the list of virtual machines in the cluster
ps_script = """
$nodes = Get-ClusterNode
Write-Output $nodes
$vm_list = Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster $env:computername | Where-Object {$_.GroupType -eq 'VirtualMachine' -and $_.OwnerNode.Name -in $nodes.Name} | Get-VM
$vm_names = $vm_list.Name
Write-Output $vm_names
# Execute the PowerShell command and retrieve the output
result = session.run_ps(ps_script)
if result.status_code == 0:
# Parse the output to get the list of virtual machines
vm_info = result.std_out.decode('utf-8').strip()
# Print the list of virtual machines
# Print the full error message
print("Error message: " + result.std_err.decode('utf-8').strip())
Can anyone help me modify this script to retrieve all virtual machines in the cluster, regardless of which node owns them?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Feb 23 2023 03:24 PM
Hello @amontaser_egid,
Try something like this:
ps_script = """
$vm_list = Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster $env:computername | Where-Object {$_.GroupType -eq 'VirtualMachine'} | Get-VM
$vm_names = $vm_list.Name
Write-Output $vm_names
Hope that helps.
Mar 07 2023 12:03 AM
Hello @AndySvints, thanks for your help. I try the code but unfortunately, it still retrieves one node VMs, but when I run the script on the hyper-v machine it gets the whole list,