Sep 02 2022 06:08 AM - edited Sep 02 2022 06:18 AM
Hi Guys,
PowerShell Newbie here :). I have a script (@Harm_Veenstra helped me a lot in this post - to get this piece done) to collect field values from multiple sources referring to a source CSV file. But I'm struggling to combine all these in to a single script that I can run one go.
Sample Source CSV file:
Sample Final Output after 3rd script:
Step1: generates a CSV with values filled from Office 365 MSolUser command
$Import = Import-Csv "D:\Data\Automation\Source\Batch1-run1.csv" -Delimiter ','
$Total = @()
foreach ($item in $Import) {
$MS = Get-MsolUser -SearchString $Item.DisplayName
$msoluser = [PSCustomObject]@{
'UserPrincipalName' = $MS.UserPrincipalName
'IsLicensed' = $MS.IsLicensed
'BlockCredential' = $MS.BlockCredential
'FirstName' = $MS.FirstName
'LastName' = $MS.LastName
'ArchiveID' = $item.ArchiveID
'DisplayName' = $item.DisplayName
$Total += $msoluser
$Total | Select-Object DisplayName, ArchiveID, UserPrincipalName, IsLicensed, BlockCredential, FirstName, LastName, RecipientTypeDetails, Alias, ArchiveStatus, ArchiveState, ArchiveQuota, ArchiveDatabase, ArchiveDatabaseGuid, AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "D:\Data\Automation\Output\CombinedOutputWithMsol-Batch1.csv" -Delimiter ',' -Encoding UTF8
Step2: Then Using above generated CSV as Source and fill the rest of the fields using ExchangeOnline commands
$Import = Import-Csv "D:\Data\Automation\Output\CombinedOutputWithMsol-Batch1.csv" -Delimiter ','
$Total = @()
foreach ($item in $Import) {
$EXO = Get-EXOMailbox -Identity $item.UserPrincipalName
$exouser = [PSCustomObject]@{
'RecipientTypeDetails' = $EXO.RecipientTypeDetails
'Alias' = $EXO.Alias
'UserPrincipalName' = $item.UserPrincipalName
'IsLicensed' = $item.IsLicensed
'BlockCredential' = $item.BlockCredential
'FirstName' = $item.FirstName
'LastName' = $item.LastName
'ArchiveID' = $item.ArchiveID
'DisplayName' = $item.DisplayName
$Total += $exouser
$Total | Select-Object DisplayName, ArchiveID, UserPrincipalName, IsLicensed, BlockCredential, FirstName, LastName, RecipientTypeDetails, Alias, ArchiveStatus, ArchiveState, ArchiveQuota, ArchiveDatabase, ArchiveDatabaseGuid, AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "D:\Data3-31072022\Automation\Output\CombinedOutputWithEXO-Batch1.csv" -Delimiter ',' -Encoding UTF8
Step3: Then as the final step running this to fetch Exchange On-premise fields
$Import = Import-Csv "D:\Data\Automation\Output\CombinedOutputWithEXO-Batch1.csv" -Delimiter ','
$Total = @()
foreach ($item in $Import) {
$EX = Get-Mailbox -Identity $item.DisplayName
$exuser = [PSCustomObject]@{
'ArchiveStatus' = $EX.ArchiveStatus
'ArchiveState' = $EX.ArchiveState
'ArchiveQuota' = $EX.ArchiveQuota
'ArchiveDatabase' = $EX.ArchiveDatabase
'ArchiveDatabaseGuid' = $EX.ArchiveDatabaseGuid
'AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled' = $EX.AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled
'RecipientTypeDetails' = $item.RecipientTypeDetails
'Alias' = $item.Alias
'UserPrincipalName' = $item.UserPrincipalName
'IsLicensed' = $item.IsLicensed
'BlockCredential' = $item.BlockCredential
'FirstName' = $item.FirstName
'LastName' = $item.LastName
'ArchiveID' = $item.ArchiveID
'DisplayName' = $item.DisplayName
$Total += $exuser
$Total | Select-Object DisplayName, ArchiveID, UserPrincipalName, IsLicensed, BlockCredential, FirstName, LastName, RecipientTypeDetails, Alias, ArchiveStatus, ArchiveState, ArchiveQuota, ArchiveDatabase, ArchiveDatabaseGuid, AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "D:\Data\Automation\Output\CombinedOutputWithEXOAndArchive-Batch1.csv" -Delimiter ',' -Encoding UTF8
Appreciate if any of you can help out enhancing this script to combine these 3 levels in to one single script to generate the CSV with all fields efficiently !
Thanks heaps in advance folks !
Sep 03 2022 05:05 AM