Apr 08 2020 11:49 AM
I am attempting to install the Az module for powershell. I haven't had issues in the past but now I get errors when trying to do so and I have tried many ways to do this.
It seems like an issue on the powershellgallery site but I am not 100% sure.
Here's my situation
I have attempted many of the switches -Force -AllowClobber etc ... attempted to install by downloading locally but not sure I am doing that right as it doesn't seem to work with the instructions I have found around the web.
This started sometime last week, perhaps Thursday.
I'm at a loss, been trying this for way too long.
Any insight?
Thanks ahead of time!
Apr 08 2020 08:51 PM - edited Apr 08 2020 08:52 PM
@FineSL60 Register your repository? If registered, de-register and re-add.
Register-PSRepository -Default
Apr 09 2020 07:58 AM
Apr 09 2020 09:45 PM
@FineSL60 Were you given any type of error again you can post a screen shot of?
Apr 10 2020 02:19 AM - edited Apr 10 2020 02:23 AM
I am also facing the same issue. I have admin privileges and running PS as admin.
PFB the error scenario.
Tried to access the link https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/Az.Accounts/1.7.4 via IE on the machine and the package az.accounts.1.7.4.nupkg is getting downloaded without any issue. Hence it seems to be an issue with PS only, as PC can access the link.
Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.
Apr 10 2020 03:48 AM
SolutionHi, @FineSL60, @esunilkumare
I received the same error message but I managed to solve it by swicthcing to TLS 1.2:
PS C:\> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Apr 10 2020 05:08 AM
@Chalaneru Thanks for the quick help. This helped me resolve the issue.
Apr 10 2020 07:51 AM
@ChalaneruThank you! This fixed it for me!
Apr 10 2020 07:54 AM
Hi @Chalaneru
I am just curious, why did it require that? Just a guess or is there something behind it? I can't find a good reason for it lol.
Apr 11 2020 01:37 AM
Hi, @FineSL60
I guessed it ought to be security because access using a browser was successful so connectivity was not the issue.
Happy this helped you out 🙂
Apr 13 2020 12:45 AM
@Chalaneru saved me a whole bunch of time not having to dig through event logs to figure this out .. thank you so much
Apr 13 2020 10:46 PM - edited Apr 13 2020 10:47 PM
I had the same issue on the same day, so kept track of the conversation, it was great that they announced that they dropped less than TLS 1.2 support only on the 9th, after already having done so: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/powershell-gallery-tls-support/
Apr 14 2020 07:27 AM
@marco_smsHA! That sounds about right! Thank you for sharing
Apr 14 2020 05:36 PM
Aug 18 2020 12:23 PM - edited Aug 18 2020 12:24 PM
Use below command if you are trying to install Az module for powershell.
Install-Module az -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Apr 10 2020 03:48 AM
SolutionHi, @FineSL60, @esunilkumare
I received the same error message but I managed to solve it by swicthcing to TLS 1.2:
PS C:\> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12