Different $error results in a ISE 5.1 remote session and a local session

Copper Contributor

Hi, I am getting different results rewriting an error object in a local and remote pssession and I am wondering if anyone can explain why? Here is the simple code:



Function PSitemChangeError ($Errorobj,$CustomErrorMessage)
$newline = "`r`n"
$OrginalExceptionMessage = $Errorobj.exception.message
$Errorobj.errordetails = "[Custom Message] $CustomErrorMessage $newline`[Orginal Message] $OrginalExceptionMessage"
write-verbose $Errorobj -verbose
return $Errorobj

Throw (PSitemChangeError -Errorobj $psitem -CustomErrorMessage "Some Custom Error")



Locally it works and I get:

VERBOSE: [Custom Message] Some Custom Error
[Orginal Message] Attempted to divide by zero.
[Custom Message] Some Custom Error
[Orginal Message] Attempted to divide by zero.
At %%\ChangeErrorFunction - Works local does not work on remote session.ps1:11 char:2
+ {1/0}
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException


But on a remote session - Using Enter-PSSession -computername, or ISE > File > 'New Remote Powershell Tab'. I just get the original message - even though the verbose shows its changed the object. Its driving me insane so any suggestions appreciated!


VERBOSE: [Custom Message] Some Custom Error
[Orginal Message] Attempted to divide by zero.
Attempted to divide by zero.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

1 Reply



It seems that Throw behavior change when being on a remote or locally.

I did this small change and based on what I see, it's working. can you try and let me know?

Function PSitemChangeError ($Errorobj,$CustomErrorMessage)
$newline = "`r`n"
$OrginalExceptionMessage = $Errorobj.exception.message
$Errorobj.errordetails = "[Custom Message] $CustomErrorMessage $newline`[Orginal Message] $OrginalExceptionMessage"
write-verbose $Errorobj -verbose
return $Errorobj

$MyError=(PSitemChangeError -Errorobj $psitem -CustomErrorMessage "Some Custom Error")
Throw $MyError.ErrorDetails
