Windows Terminal to add a new monospaced font

Brass Contributor

Windows Terminal to add a new monospaced font with programming ligatures "FiraCode"

Will you please consider adding, embedding the FiraCode font in Windows Terminal FiraCode is a free monospaced font with programming ligatures (see site)

 @windowsinsider @windowsdev @windowsblog @Pernille-Eskebo @Windows #windowsterminal >> audience please endorse

1 Reply
␛⟦1;91mDustin Howett␛⟦m


Sorry! Due to some complications around release cycles and the fact that Terminal comes with Windows we won’t be able to distribute 3rd party fonts automatically. I’d love to do that, but it could get us in some trouble.



Well I don’t know, it shouldn’t be much different or difficult considering the other cascade.ttf. Well please do what you can do who is inform the program manager. I have this high on my list especially as embedded trusted font