Windows Insider update problems

Copper Contributor

I have had some issues trying to update my laptop ever since build 15014 (which I am still stuck on). After a good bit of searching to remedy this myself (including stopping services, looking at registries, just trying to update, and even trying to reinstall windows by using the media creation tool) I contacted support. My first agent looked around and concluded that update services were stopping all of a sudden during the update process. He started a download of the build 15063 ISO but, due to slow school wifi, it was going to take a while. He told me to get back to him once it downloaded through a link. When it downloaded, I followed the link and got a different agent who had me run the ISO setup. This installation failed just like any other update I have tried to install. My third agent told me to post this somewhere here so that engineers could address my dilema directly. Please help!

7 Replies
what is the error message?
what happened when you tried to reinstall Windows using the Media Creation Tool?

When I try to install an update, it restarts and "works on updates" as it should but when it reboots, it says it didn't install. When I try to tap on the notification, it brings me to the update history which is usually blank, sometimes has a driver update or two. Now when I open the update history it says this: ComponentUpdate: A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system. Also the media creation tool always fails to authenticate the download or something like that.

Which update?
Please check that your system date/time is accurate.
The exact error message/code for Media Creation Tool would be helpful.

These same update failures have happened with every update since build 15014. My time and date is accurate. Also, I do not remember the exact error code for media creation so I will try it again right now to see.

The error code for the media creation tool is 0x80190190 - 0x90017

please use the Media Creation Tool on another PC to create the ISO or USB key


@Nathan Mercer wrote:
please use the Media Creation Tool on another spy PC to create the ISO or USB key

I have used the this media creation tool but its not work for my. Could you please help. I'll be very thanksful to you.