Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22624.1465 (ni_release)

Copper Contributor
6 Replies


I'm having the same problem. There is no solution.

@Anand2270 Same Problem for me also.


I recently saw this update as well and I encountered this problem too, however after a couple attempts, I was able to download it. If it is that big a concern for you, first close all apps, then turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Hotspot if needed, and restart the computer. Try to download it again. Message me if this does not work and I can provide personal assistance.

@Bryant810 I’ve done everything it still doesn’t work 

I tried at least half dozen time but getting always the same result, with this update and also with the Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Insider Preview (10.0.22621.1465) (KB5023775)
Same error on both updates, 0x800f0988


Recovery options in Windows - Microsoft Support

Hi, it seems like a good idea - reset to the initial state ( keeping personal files ), but the applications will be removed This will restore the default settings.