Printing from WordPerfect

Copper Contributor

I’m having a very troublesome, if not interesting, situation with WordPerfect. For several weeks I have not been able to print from WordPerfect. Each time I want to print I get an error message telling me “Can not run PrintServer200.exe” (for WordPerfect 2020) or “Can not run PrintServer160.exe” (for WordPerfect X6). I have tried every possible solution that I came across in my searches on the Internet, including those on Barry MacDonnell’s wonderful site, but nothing, absolutely nothing worked. I even downloaded the trial version of the latest WordPerfect 2021 and received exactly the same result. I became so desperate that I bought a new computer because WordPerfect is one of my most important tools, and if I cannot print from it, it is essentially worthless.


When I started to set up the new computer the first thing that I did was to install the Beta version of Windows 11, which brought me to Build 22622.575. The next thing that I did was to install WordPerfect 2020 and tried to print. It worked flawlessly. Then, I installed several other programs and adjusted some settings of Windows 11, and now I suddenly noticed that WordPerfect no longer printed but instead gave me the same error message listed above. So I reset Windows 11 again and started by installing WordPerfect 2020 as the first application. And now I printed from WordPerfect after every single installation or changes in the settings, and I noticed that it was as soon as I enabled One Drive that WordPerfect refused to print. To verify, I reset Windows 11 once again, and lo and behold it worked again until One Drive was eventually enabled, and then WordPerfect stopped to print.


Once the error occurs in WordPerfect it doesn’t help to simply disable One Drive. Printing from WordPerfect is not possible anymore.


I have no idea what that is or why that is, but I can reproduce it on two different laptop computers, although both run with Build 22622.575.


Would anyone have any inkling why this is and what could be done about it, for I really want to use One Drive along with WordPerfect, of course. I would be very grateful for any advice on what could be done to remedy this.


Thank you very much!

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