Microsoft Edge DEV in WIndows11 - make 'the padlock' AGAIN distinct when EV (FP)

Brass Contributor

Microsoft Edge DEV. - The use of pictographic representation with diminishing context of the validity of the Certificate. It gives an obscure look | Animate highest security EV factor
(btw EV maybe not referring to "Edwin Vening" or EVENING), 

Dear reader, (don't worry I am only telling you about some unwritten policy in IE browser lands )


as many browsers seem to deal with the way that some methods, or installment of certificates or often not displayed. I raise this request in line with recent research that has been conducted in august 2021 by the US governments departments like homeland security etc The "Locker" icon may be collapsed to see what principal certifications are noteworthy to check of course there are levels of depth in this but the most important argument that I want to emphasize is that there is a distinct notion in the certificate that shows an EV factor.

"Secure browser connections can be intercepted and decrypted by authorities who spoof the authentic site's certificate. But the authentic site's fingerprint CANNOT be duplicated!"

The lock of should be glowing in animation if this condition is true, EV is a special case of elevated security. It's important worldwide.





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