In 365 and other products, vital function UI element, a pictogram of a 3,5 inch diskette to save...

Brass Contributor
In Word 365, and other products, the UI element, a pictogram of a 3,5-inch diskette is UX directs to top-level functionality (contained). Can we establish...

I forwarded this question for any relevant context that is due (so I'm told)


Dear readers,


In Word 365, and other products, the UI element, a pictogram of a 3,5-inch diskette is about UX in 2021 that the user is confronted with this top-level functionality (contained). Can we establish perhaps think of a more meaningful expression of this important functionality that "Saves" the current Document on media storage?

Perhaps by means of special animations that automatically create the thumbnails from the actual documents, perhaps a signature microdetail from the actual document(s) that the user may recognize. The document(s) are then visually blended in the visual representation of a bag, suitcase, sleeve - or any association of actual portability (because the documents are formatted can be saved on One Drive )

The optional xyzzy would be to have the hipster bag or corporate suitcase with the properties that define if

- backup(s) should be made to the cloud and if so, on what frequency
- all store the document on a local storage media in other words: saving to "physical storage media"

I hope that with this contribution the change will take place, to think about alternatives for these pictograms, legacy.



Edwin Vening
post scriptum :

Majority vote underway for visual studio 2022: to add the Open Source FiraCode have it certified and embedded for safety and security.

- have the HH:MM: SS seconds counter back in windows 11

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