Sep 27 2021 04:07 PM
I have upgraded Windows 10 to Windows 11. After the upgradation, the audio stopped working. I removed the driver and reinstalled the driver for solving the issue. The audio started working normally.
On Sep 27, 2021 an update was installed automatically. (Windows 11 Insider Preview 22463.1000 (rs_prerelease))
However, after the installation of the above update, the audio again stopped working. I did everything possible to resolve the issue, but nothing worked. Tried to contact Microsoft Tech support under Case #: 1029087182. The tech support tried their best to help me resolve the issue, but nothing could resolve the issue yet.
I have noticed this same issue with many others on the internet and several solutions to fix the issue too, but have not found any solution on Microsoft websites.
Request Microsft Tech Support for help.
Thank You.
Roy Chavarcode