Jul 24 2021 06:00 AM
When we post a suggestion or an issue on the feedback hub, we can also add attachments to that feedback which only Microsoft can see while the other users can only see in which category the issue falls in and the title and description of the user which sometimes cannot be clear to other users on what is really happening with the issue or suggestion. So I am suggesting adding a checkbox option to show attachments to other users on the Feedback hub which can be selected when the feedback is being posted.
Feedback Hub Link for this suggestion - https://aka.ms/AAd2xai
Jul 24 2021 07:33 AM
Jul 24 2021 08:20 AM
So I am suggesting adding a checkbox option to show attachments to other users on the Feedback hub which can be selected when the feedback is being posted.
If you see my suggestion, I suggested a checkbox due to this very reason. Some users might like to share it with everyone or some users would not on their choice which might be based upon what the attachment contains.
Jul 25 2021 06:21 AM