(adding emergency button )Scientific research involves Microsoft teams

Copper Contributor

Sense Microsoft teams is being used in education and for children specifically, I suggest adding emergency button to the audience toolbar in meetings. It allows the kids to speak in emergency cases and it can't be muted by the presenter. It also makes emergency alarm sound. It can be connected to 911 or any authorized organization in the country. It is a stimulation of a real emergency button. I think the kids will need it while they are left home unattended in pandemics like what has happened lately. Our kids were left home alone especially for whose parents work in hospitals. And they suddenly started distant learning and there was no chance to hire babysitters. And I reinforce my suggestion with several news where teachers saved their students' lives during the online lessons. 

A Michigan teacher was giving a virtual lesson when she heard a student's grandma slur her words. Wh... 

   So I am making a scientific research that needs Microsoft teams developers   cooperation to apply this button as a new function for the attendance . 


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