Windows AutoPilot documentation has been updated


Hi everyone!


A couple of changes were recently made to the Windows AutoPilot documentation.

We realized that we were missing some pretty important details, so that you can implement Windows AutoPilot end-to-end.  While some of you were able to figure these things out, we felt like it's important to write these things down.


Information added:

  • Network connectivity requirements - URLs and ports you'll need to enable through your proxy\firewall.
  • OOBE branding - If you haven't configured your company's branding in Azure AD, it won't show up during OOBE. Now the overview clearly states that and will take your to the Azure AD guidance on how to do that.
  • Multiple ways to manage and apply deployment profiles - There are currently 4 different portals in which you can manage and apply deployment profiles, and all of them are listed in the updated documentation.


Be sure to check it out at and let us know what you think.


It's probably a good time to mention that you can use the Feedback Hub app to make content suggestions, in case you feel like you're missing something in any of our documentation.


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