Windows 10 Ent - Inplace Upgrade Config

Copper Contributor

I have 2 config questions for inplace upgrades

1. How can I go about setting up the Start menu just for layout of pinned apps? Keeping in mind that I want this to be a one time setting and still allow users to modify thier own start menu after.

2. How do i set the default apps and not have Windows change that default? Keeping in mind that I want this to be a one time setting and still allow users to modify thier own default apps. Just stop Windows from changing them back.

2 Replies

1.  You can import a start menu layout XML file into the default user profile.  See the TechNet docs on Import-StartLayout and Export-StartLayout.  See for more detail.


2.  You should be able to import a set of app defaults using DISM.  There have been a few issues where these defaults haven't all "stuck" through an upgrade, but most of these should be fixed.

Setting the app defaults through group policy would be a nice feature. Any way to add this to the roadmap for future builds? Thank you.