Failed to install Windows Admin Center in Windows 2019 Servers.

Copper Contributor


We've tried to install Windows Admin Center on a few servers and the .msi file always shows the same error,



This is not happening for a Windows 10 computer.

All of them are in the same domain and even we've disabled the AV for testing with the same result.


From the msi logs, I can see the info below,



DEBUG: Error 2203: Database: 3082. Cannot open database file. System error -2147287038
1: 2203 2: 3082 3: -2147287038
Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.
MSI (c) (B4:04) [16:07:15:516]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (c) (B4:04) [16:07:15:516]: Product: Windows Admin Center -- Installation failed.




Thank you.

2 Replies
Any news on this topic?

We're facing this problem upgarding from:
Current: Version (1.3.2204.15002)
New: Version (1.4.2212.08003)

The installer name is:
Hi I found this solution and it worked for me:
The problem appears when trying to install the Windows Administration Center on a non-English version of Windows (in my case the Spanish). I solved it by forcing to install the Windows Administration Center in the US language:

msiexec -i WindowsAdminCenter2110.2.msi productLanguage="1033"