How to Add Multiple Windows 365 workspaces in MacOS and iOS Remote Desktop Clients

Copper Contributor

Is there a way to add multiple Windows 365 workspaces in the MacOS and iOS clients? When putting in the URl to try and add to a second workspace for both of these clients, it says "You're already subscribed to this workspace." I tried taking the full URL of the workspace once subscribed and using that, however, it doesn't recognize them as distinct and I get the same error. A workaround for MacOS is to run multiple instances of the same app using the terminal command open -n -a "Microsoft Remote Desktop" however this is not possible on iOS/iPadOS, and its also not super workable in the long term.



4 Replies
Only one url is needed to connect your client to all your CloudPC's for a specific tenant. For example, if you have two Cloud PC's created for you within same tenant then only one URL is needed, it should show you both your CloudPC's using that one URL.
Right, but only if all cloud pcs are licensed to the same UPN. If you are trying to connect to different UPNs then one URL won't work correct?


I have the same issue. when you have multiple accounts with different email this is difficult on both mac and ios. on a windows pc you can add several different accounts with different email addresses

We need this feature, too! It is already available on Remote Desktop for Windows, please include it to Remote Desktop for macOS! If there was a User Voice, I'd vote for it 😉