Windows 11 Updates Cause Device to Crash Regularly

Copper Contributor

The latest "uninstall-able" Windows 11 updates cause my device to crash regularly. When I uninstall them, the crashing stops, but Windows prompts me to install them again shortly after installing them.


The updates are: KB5034467 & KB5035853.


Anyone else experiencing the same problem?

13 Replies
Just stall installing until the new Updates arrive. This is a known issue.
Uninstalling them and stalling seems to be the ticket.

Thanks for confirming.
Revert back to the previous version. You have 15 days left to restore the device to previous state after installing a new update.
Thanks! Seems like make use of the "Uninstall Updates" settings works.
It's possible that the updates may have caused compatibility issues with your device's hardware or software drivers.
Thank you:) That is exactly what I have been doing and it works.

@Jochenn101 I actually reset to a previous update and it sadly did not work for me. I was still crashing and now my computer is stuck in a cycle of shutting down, restarting, shutting down, restarting, and cannot be hard reset.... I have had to completely unplug my rig and pray that this works......

@Aerlina Same thing happened to me not long after my initial post. I could at least reset my device, but this took the better part of a day, including having to reinstall all my software.


All of the best and I hope that you get your device to work.

@Orizonman this latest update has completely shut down my pc. It now takes me to trouble shooting screen but none of the options will fix the issue. It also can't find  my last save point ( which was 3 weeks ago) 

@Orizonman This is happening to me too, first with a mini PC I recently bought on Amazon (I sent that back as I thought it was faulty) and now my gaming HP laptop which I've had for over 2 years.

Are Microsoft going to fix it? It's a very frustrating situation to be in.

I am also facing same issues, my laptop is getting crashed randomnly, no BSOD, screen simply goes black and the laptop turns off. These often happens while playing games like f1 23, but i dont face any issues like this while playing CS2. Recently, the laptop crashed while only using browser. Can't really the cause of this problem, it will be great if someone helps regarding this.
Agreed the point shared by the best answer. Had to do a clean install after getting my computer into weird issue because of update. Since then, I disabled the update as much time as possible. And the computer is working like charm!

yes basically my am4 system would go to black screen power off crash and no post, now reverting all the way back to windows 10.  


under the persuasion it has to do with the kb update including new power plan or efficiency settings.


unsuitable for a majority of qualified vendor hardware ? Its a rare in the wild update so far when will this get a-dressed?