Windows 11 Taskbar inside Remote Desktop

Copper Contributor

Hi. I work in a remote desktop and upgraded to windows 11 a week or two ago. I noticed that while in the remote desktop (full screen) I could pop up my local taskbar by moving my mouse to the bottom of the screen. Further to this, when I selected something from that task bar, Windows would show the application on one monitor without minimising the whole remote desktop. I found this very useful but unfortunately it's stopped doing any of that. Can anyone suggest a way to bring that function back? Thank you.

2 Replies

Hi @sureflint 

I noticed, this feature is activated when you are in a meeting on Teams. I hope, Microsoft provide this feature without meeting

I also noticed this functionality and was really enjoying it. And then just like that, it was gone. I would love to keep this as an option on the regular!