Task bar drag and hold to restore window

Copper Contributor
Hi, I recently updated to Windows 11 and noticed that now it isn't possible to drag files (ie from desktop) and hold on the icon of a window in the taskbar until it restores and then drop in that window.
1 Reply

Microsoft seems to have a habit of removing good simple tricks users can use. The latest is dragging to the Taskbar in Windows 11, to move files around from program to program. It should be back. This has been in Windows for years. Should not be the case for a need of a standalone software to circumvent this annoying feature. This is counterproductive. The same there are issues in Office 365 with Find Related messages as there are missing brackets [] as described in here https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/outlook/find-related-messages/m-p/2977467/page/2. I am rolling back to Win10.