Replacing MB and CPU

Brass Contributor

My PC is not compatible with W11. It's been 7 years and I m OK to upgrade it.  Currently I am running W11 Preview Insider preview. If I replace a MB and CPU what is going to happen? Will I have to reinstall the OS from scratch? I dont think I have my W10 copy anywhere. Can someone please help?



18 Replies
You mentioned about running Windows 11, does it shows your device is not compatible?
Windows 10 installer file is available here:
In case your device is not compatible with Windows 11, make sure report this issue using Feedback Hub app.


That is what it says when I click on Windows Insider Program:


But I am also trying to figure out whether I can just install new MB and CPU and continue using my current system.

It looks like replacing just the processor won't require a system reinstall, but you still need to make sure!
Well, I also need to change my MB. Mine doesn't have TPM .


Then unfortunately I think that the system may not boot, a better idea would be to buy a new computer already installed Windows11, in October will already be released a stable version

Or reinstall the OS after replacing MB and CPU. My problem here is I dont have my W10 copy. Reza_Ameri points to the download link. How will it work? Will I have to register the new OS? Does MS have records linked to MS account that I actually have a registered copy of W10?

@A1-A1 Activation shows this:


Does that mean that after Oct. 5 I will be able to download W11 and activate it?

The link explains how to reactivate W10. Are you saying I will have go through W10 to get to W11? Can't be downloaded and reactivated in the same way?

Certainly not - if you do not meet the hardware requirements!
Only computers that meet the requirements and not right away either.
No, not like this. I meant, after replacing the hardware can I avoid going back to W10, but rather download W11, install it, and activate it?
Yes I think it is possible, but I don't understand why you don't want to do a clean install of the Windows10 version first and then download the Windows11 ISO?
That of course would work, but why? I can just have a copy of W11 on an USB drive and install it after the hardware is changed.
I understand. Good luck.
Your system must meet the system requirements for Windows 11 which are:
You may open Feedback Hub app and file a report that your system is not compatible.
What would I report about? I know that my system is not compatible. Although I was able to upgrade to W11 Preview.
Good question, feedbacks does have influence on Microsoft's decisions and let say if you share your system specification and request Microsoft to support it and people upvote your request, then Microsoft might change requirements.
For example, initially Windows 11 would support few CPUs and based on feedbacks, they add more and they continue doing so.