How do I get back local pictures that One Drive Hijacked

Brass Contributor

I can't find my Pictures in windows 11.

When I click On Pictures in File explorer.

Now I see some Pictures from a long time ago and when I try to open them I get error. We can't get to this file right now because computer syncing is paused. Resume syncing and try again. I disabled One Drive so a long time ago. What do I do? How did this happen? Where are the pictures I stored locally? 

2 Replies
I think there is a bug in recent windows update.
When I installed Windows 11 I removed one drive.
The One Drive App is Not installed. No Cloud Icon it's disabled.
So why do I have one drive folders now?
These unusable one drive folders have taken over my Local Pictures, etc.
I added a new
C:\Users\name\Pictures folder back and it just looks like a regular folder.
I deleted the one drive folder.
Now there is no My Pictures.
Welcome to windows 11.
fixed it by doing the following.
RegEdit to Here
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
If you see OneDrive get rid of it and fix path so it's local by Hand
In File Explorer delete everything in the following folder:
Logout and back in.