WLinux – The best WSL for Windows 10

Brass Contributor

A couple of Windows 10 releases back, Microsoft delivered the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to run Linux distros, like Ubuntu, Debian, Suse and others, on Windows 10. Around the Microsoft Ignite 2018 timeframe another distro was released to the Windows Store called WLinux. WLinux is a Linux environment for Windows 10 built on work by Microsoft Research and the Debian project. WLinux is a custom Linux distro built from Debian specifically for use on the WSL. While other distros are available for WSL, WLinux is the first optimized for use by users of WSL for WSL. It helps developer run Linux tooling on Windows and integrates into perfectly into Windows.


Read more here: https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2018/11/wlinux/

4 Replies

@Thomas Maurer given it is the best choice, how come WLinux is even not on installation manual page? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10

Because the recently renamed WLinux to Pengwin 😊
Benedict Cumberbatch is not happy about this name.

@bearman27 They changed the name to Pengwin a couple of months ago 🙂