Windows Update nicht mehr möglich Version 1909

Copper Contributor

Hallo Zusammen, 

ich hoffe ihr könnt mich ein wenig unterstützen 🙂 

Folgendes Problem: 

Ich bekomme wöchentlich immer die Meldung, dass das Funktionsupdate 20H2 zur Installation bereitsteht - die Installation läuft auch tadellos durch, doch dann erscheint die Meldung "Wir konnten das Update nicht installieren".

Es kommt vermehrt zu dem Fehlercode: 0x80242016 oder auch 0xc1900223

Daher hat Windows "das Ende des Lebenszyklus erreicht"


Mehrfache versuche das Update händisch zu installieren schlugen fehl "Das Update ist nicht kompatibel".

Auch den Versuch, das Update via neu heruntergeladener ISO zu installieren war nicht erfolgreich. 

Nach wie vor startet sich der PC 2-3x neu und versucht die Installation erneut.


Im Anhang ein paar Infos zum System.

Ich hoffe auf euer Schwarmwissen und verbleibe vorerst mit besten Grüßen




26 Replies

Hi @SickPhil,

Please check out, I found this useful article with a number of useful steps to troubleshoot your issue.

@SalmanAhmed thanks for your help but all the Steps did not work. Iam still having that issue 😞

Hi @SickPhil 

I have a few recommendations to resolve the issue, please run cmd in elevated mode (Run as Admin), and execute the below commands step by step:


sfc /scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

The first command will check the system file corruption, second and third command will use DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) tool to scan/restore the health of the windows installation image.


Please share your feedback, do not hesitate to contact me for further assistance, I will welcome all the questions you may have.


@SalmanAhmed -
Should i try to install the Update after ive done this steps or do you wanna know the results after these steps?
Please share the screenshot of the above commands, after these commands you can run windows update.

@SalmanAhmed everything went fine - there wasnt any errors due the process.

i´ll try to install the update again 

Screenshots are in German 😉




Hi @SickPhil,

Please run disk cleanup from the below steps, and then run Windows update.


Press Win + R and type Cleanmgr , select your drive c:

Next window, select all options especially "Windows Update Cleanup", and click OK to start (Screenshot Attached).




After the cleanup process, please run Windows Update. 

Please share your feedback and do not hesitate to contact me for any further assistance, I will welcome all the questions you may have.



Ive run cleanmgr but -> Windows Update Cleanup was not available.

Last Week i´ve already deleted the Folder "C:\Windows\System32\catroot2"

Anyway ive started Windows Update, now the install process is running - wish me Luck 😉 

The last days Windows also tryed a few Times to installing the Update. 

Good luck, I hope the above steps will be helpful for you.

@SalmanAhmed bad news 😞 

After the Install was completed my Computer restarted and configured the Update (Duration 10 Minutes)

After Welcomescreen Windows gives me following Message:

"Windows Update was not installed"

Again Errorcode: 0x80070020

Available Disc-Space: 81GB

I´ve also checked the system requirements - everything should Work.

Even a reset of Windows and delete all Updates -> failed - i cant get it 😞 

Hi @SickPhil

Please execute the below command in cmd in elevated mode (Run As Admin):

REM Stopping the update services
net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
net stop cryptSvc
net stop msiserver

REM Renaming the update folders for backup purposes.
REN C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SoftwareDistribution_BAK
REN C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 C:\Windows\System32\catroot2\Catroot2_BAK

REM Starting the update services
net start wuauserv
net start bits
net start cryptSvc
net start msiserver

REM Staring update service
wuauclt /a /DetectNow


I hope the above steps will be helpful for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further assistance, I will welcome all the questions you may have.

@SalmanAhmed Thanks for your help but: Again it failed to Install the Update with Errorcode: 0x80242016

After Download, and installing the Update (Duration 60 Minutes) ive had to restart my Computer, after that Windows was configuring the Computer and lead me to my Desktop, i was not able to enter "Startmenu" or "Settings" so i restarted my Computer again -> everything went fine but the Update still isnt installed and Windows asked to Download the Update again 😞 


Sorry to hear that the issue still not resolved, please let me know which antivirus do you use?
Currently iam using Windows Defender by Microsoft

@SickPhil  Hi

I suggest you download the media creation tool and perform an in-place update to the latest version.

Search in your language, good luck.

Ive already tryed that one @A1-A1
> it failed too -> Error: "Your Computer isnt compatible"
> But when i run a systemcheck for the System requirements i get an 100% compatible message ö_Ö


I hope this will end your problem, but the drive will be formatted and your personal files deleted.

Please write what you think?

Start fresh with a clean installation of Windows 10 (

Whuoo, as someone who´s steady recording Music on this Computer - it would be a huge part of work (for example Backup, Reconfigure Programs) - i would prefer any other Workarounds as reinstalling everything



All programs installed from the Microsoft store you will install very quickly - they have synchronization with your Microsoft account.

Make copies of your personal files to an external drive

Your configuration has long been faulty, so removing and reinstalling is a valid suggestion