Jun 15 2021 03:50 AM
Dear all
In Settings > System > Clipboard
I found out, that if Clipboard history is ON and Sync across devices is ON, then the copied material is uploaded to Microsoft.
If Clipboard history is OFF and Sync across devices is OFF, the copied material is definitely not uploaded to Microsoft?
Can Clipboard history upload a file to Microsoft?
When Clipboard history is updated (I can see the list update realtime Windows + v), and I meantime monitor network activity, there is no upload activity.
How can that be, when the sync setting is ON?
When is the upload / sync happening?
If I go offline. Clipboard history is ON and Sync across devices is ON.
Is the file then being synced later / when online?
Thank you for replying
Best regards
Jun 16 2021 12:53 AM
Hello @emil frederiksen,
Well, I'll try to answer your questions, hope I could.
1. Yes.
2. I'm not sure about file, but it is content in Text, HTML, and Bitmap.
3. Clipboard is cloud-based, just like OneDrive so with new changes it should start syncing.
4. Yes, it will sync when you connect later.
Also check: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/get-help-with-clipboard-30375039-ce71-9fe4-5b30-21b7aab6...
Hope this answers your query!
Jun 29 2021 10:25 AM