windows 10 deployment and drivers

Copper Contributor

Hello Guys and Gals. 


this is not a question for a problem , rather question for behind science. 


I captured windows 10 pro wim file from existing AIO computer to deploye on another computer. 

when I captured the image, the computer that I captured it from had hardware drivers installed. and when I deployed the image, it is also installing factory drivers. 


Should I be concerned about unused drivers that might have carried over from 1st computer? Or is windows 10 or sysprep process smart enough to remove those drivers? 


thanks in advance and happy new year everyone. 


1 Reply
Windows installer will do some drivers checking and in case it detects out of date drivers or drivers with compatibility issues , it will prevent you from installing and show a message like couldn't proceed with the installation due to the driver's issue. Normally such a checking will perform when you are performing upgrade instead of clean install. From experience, Windows won't remove those driver but it might block them from loading after Windows has been installed. For this reason, we always recommend to deploy Windows with small set of devices to check if there is any compatibility issues and then perform a actual deployment because you will observe unexpected behavior and mostly it is due to drivers.