What to Do When Quickbooks administrator permissions needed after recent update?

Copper Contributor

After the recent update, I am having issues with my QuickBooks administrator permissions. Certain features that were previously accessible are now restricted, and I'm unsure how to regain full access. What specific permissions need to be adjusted, and how can I fix this?

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The recent QuickBooks update might have reset or altered your administrator permissions, limiting access to certain features. To resolve this, you need to verify and adjust the administrator rights:

  1. Log in as the QB Admin.
  2. Navigate to Company > Users > Set Up Users and Roles.
  3. Select your user profile and ensure all necessary permissions are granted.
  4. Save changes and restart QB to apply the new settings.

If the problem persists or you need further assistance, contact the QB support team for expert help. They can provide detailed guidance and ensure your permissions are correctly configured.

