What is 20H2 and Windows Experience Pack?

Copper Contributor

Hello, there how are you all?

I come up when I saw about section of my laptop it say version 20H2 and new field Windows Experience Pack earlier I guess it was 1909, 2004 like that. I also search over internet and found that it is for IT Pros, so who are these IT Pros? please explain me

Thank you

1 Reply
there are some articles that explain it, based on my understanding, it's not something you need to worry about in stable builds, or end users do anything with it.

here are official words from Microsoft (related to insider versions of Windows)

We are testing a new process for delivering new feature improvements to our customers outside of major Windows 10 feature updates. Through the Windows Feature Experience Pack, we can improve certain features and experiences that are now developed independently of the OS. Currently, only a limited number of features are being developed this way, so we are starting out very scoped. By testing this process first with Windows Insiders, we hope to expand the scope and the frequency of releases in the future. Eventually, Windows Feature Experience Pack updates will get folded into the already existing servicing process for Windows 10 and delivered to customers that way through Windows Update.


3rd party articles:
