Sep 19 2017 09:00 AM
We will spend this hour answering your questions about Windows Analytics solutions (Upgrade Readiness, Update Compliance, Device Health); how they help you deploy, manage, and support Windows 10 more easily and cost effectively; and the future roadmap for Windows Analytics. Members of the Windows Analytics product and engineering teams are standing by so ask us your tough questions, your detailed questions, your simple questions--or, share your feedback on Windows Analytics (your experience to date, what features you'd like to see, etc.)
To submit a question, click "Start a new conversation" in the Windows 10 space--and do this for each new question. This will enable us to easily identify and answer your questions. If you want to keep an eye on the questions being asked by your peers, simply stay on the Windows 10 space and refresh the page from time to time.
After the event, we will make a summary of the AMA and post it to the group. To get started, please introduce yourself as a reply below!
Sep 19 2017 09:01 AM
Sep 19 2017 09:02 AM
Sep 19 2017 09:03 AM
Sep 19 2017 09:04 AM
Sep 19 2017 09:05 AM
Shannon from the Tech Community here. Good morning!
Sep 19 2017 09:10 AM