Sep 09 2020 03:51 AM
Having problems with offline file.
I have them enable on user profile so users can have their desktop anywhere. That hasn't been the issue.
The problem I been having is mapped drives keep syncing when I don't want them to. I told the server not to sync offline files from the file share via server 2019 & via GPO. When I delete the user profile and redownload it, works fine until a day or 2 I get helpdesk calls saying Users can only see some files from Mapped drive.
I am running out of Idea's, the system was fine till end of July. Users normally access their map drives via VPN.
If I type the address path \\servername\sharedname works fine no issue.
Please can you advice me?
Sep 09 2020 04:17 AM
Had some ask me to check this and you can see in the cache not to sync offline
Nov 15 2020 11:32 AM