How to change the frequency of Windows store app updates on Windows 10?


I want to increase the app update check frequency so my store app will download and install app updates more frequently, I would also like to deploy this to a range of other computers on my network.

I couldn't find any document about how to do this, there is only one option in Windows 10 store to turn on automatic app updates but there is no details about it. how often it checks for updates, how to change the frequency etc. any ideas? thanks in advance

8 Replies


in this post


one line powershell command is proposed:

Get-CimInstance -Namespace "Root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -ClassName "MDM_EnterpriseModernAppManagement_AppManagement01" | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName UpdateScanMethod


Thanks, but I don't think it's the one.
the title of that question is entirely different and for a different purpose: "How to force update of Windows Store Apps without launching the Store App?"

and I don't see any specific time in minutes or hours in that Powershell command.

I'm seeing MDM, EnterpriseModernAppManagement and things like that..sounds like an AAD connected device..



Dear HotCakeX,

I made a task scheduled to run every morning, which calls the PowerShell command.


By the way, talking about my status, I'm using Windows 10 Home, and I cannot install functions of Active Directory. I managed to install Group Policy Editor, but there is no entry to schedule updating Store Apps. In registry, there is a folder named AllowAppStoreAutoUpdate and it contains some keys, but it seems none with scheduling, alas.

Okay so I entered it in an elevated Powershell and I get this:
"ReturnValue PSComputerName
----------- --------------
is this expected?

Dear@HotCakeX ,

I am very sorry to report you that the PowerShell command is another Windows Update not Store Apps update. I'm still searching a method though.

Dear@HotCakeX ,

The PowerShell command (Get-CimInstance ... UpdateScanMethod) seems trigger updating Store Apps.


Today there is an update for "Mail and Calendar" App.

I opened Microsoft Store panel and let it stay opened its "Downloads and updates" page. Then I opened a PowerShell console with administrative privilege and executed the command Get-CimInstance.

When I set "Update apps automatically"  in the Store settings as OFF, nothing happened. But when I set auto-updating ON and executed Get-CimInstance again, the Store automatically started downloading and installed the update for Mail and Calendar.


Under the both settings OFF/ON, Get-CimInstance command returns the same "zero". And I cannot tell the command certainly forced updating, because its original due timing might be today. Anyway, I will schedule to run the command every morning and see the updates pile up or not.

Thank you very much, those are great info and observations, I can't test it right now, first I need to turn off auto update then manually check for updates and run the command to see what happens