Error message in December 2020 monthly Windows update.

Brass Contributor

When I went to update my WIndows 10 HP desktop for the monthly security updates, I got the following message.


What should I do to resolve this?

6 Replies

@HotCakeXI never got this solved. Did all of these steps and when I ran into the same problem with the January 2021 update, I had to refresh my computer. Now it's working better with the updates.

Good call,
when you did the refresh/reset, did you choose to keep personal files and settings or deleted them?

@HotCakeXRefreshing means that you keep all your files and it returns the PC to the way it come out of the factory. You keep your files, but have to reinstall most of the programs you installed after you did the initial set up to get to the desktop screen.


Resetting means your hard drive is wiped clean and all your files disappear and you get a bare basic version of windows. Any programs that came with your computer are removed.



I'm using insider builds, i only have reset 🙂

i don't exactly remember when i stopped having refresh option




Hey B_Van_Spanje

I has an similar problem last year.
The solution was, to get the Media Creation Tool from microsoft (
If you downloaded it, you can just simply choose "upgrade your windows" with it and it should work.
Dont be afraid if it looks like a reinstallation of windows - thats normal.

Kind regards