Microsoft HealthCare Bot on Azure Stack?

Copper Contributor


I tried find information online, without success, so I´m asking here:

Is it possible to run Microsoft HealthCare Bot on Azure Stack?

5 Replies

@chris1265 Healthcare Bot is running on Azure. Please share more information on what you are trying to do. Are you looking for on-prem deployment?

@hadasbYes. On trying to do an on-prem development due to privacy reasons.

@chris1265 for the moment on-prem deployment is not supported yet. Note the service has multiple certifications though.

OK. Any idea when it will come?


What do you mean by "multiple certifications"?





Hi Chris, 


Healthcare Bot Service is compliant with multiple security and privacy frameworks and standards such as HIPAA, ISO27001, SOC2 / 3, CSA, GDPR and soon also FedRamp. 

