How to retrieve the Object inside Watch window?

Copper Contributor

Hi, I'm working on a Healthcare project using Healthcare Bot. I'm following this Github repo:

and set it up successfully. Currently, I'm able to retrieve activities using the code:

.filter(function (activity) {return activity.type === "event" && === "shareLocation"})
.subscribe(function (activity) {sendUserLocation(botConnection, user)});

But not sure how to retrieve the Object from Watch window (see the screenshot), is there any API available for it?


upload to stackoverflow.png


3 Replies





Thanks for asking. 


To access the location you need to set a query parameter in the URL of the WebChat application.

Add "?shareLocation=true" to the webchat. You will then be able to access location in the conversation.initConversationEvent object in the watch. 


Let us know if you require additional support.



Hi Adam,

Thanks for the reply, besides the location, how to access the Object inside Watch window, especially the scenarioStack property and _triage property (in this case) which has intent and its corresponding score.



Hi, you can access the triage property using "Scenario variables". You can find more information in the following article:


The scenario stack property can't be accessed directly.

Regards, Adam