ASP.NET Core 8 Method PATCH is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response.

Copper Contributor

I created a PATCH method in an ASP.NET Core Web API like this:

#region Patch

/// <summary>
///     Patch TableName by id.
/// </summary>
// PATCH BY ID: /TableName/patch/{id}
[HttpPatch("[action]/{id}", Name = "PatchTableNameById")]
     Summary = "Patch Table Name by id",
     Description = "This can be used to modify any table name record",
     OperationId = "PatchTableNameById",
     Tags = new[] { "Patch" }
public async Task<IActionResult> Patch(string id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<TableName> patchDoc)
     if (patchDoc != null)
         var tablename =
             await context.TableName.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id.ToString() == id);
         if (tablename == null)
             return NotFound();

         context.Entry(tablename).State = EntityState.Modified;

         if (!ModelState.IsValid)
             return BadRequest(ModelState);

         await context.SaveChangesAsync();

         return new ObjectResult(tablename);
         return BadRequest(ModelState);

This works perfectly fine when I call it using Postman or directly using Swagger. However in my Blazor client I get an error when it is called. I have tried using httpclient, RestSharp and now Flurl.

The error returned when using the Developer Tools console to review the log is:

Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:5259/SharedServices/Commands/TableName/patch/2bd4e0f3-974a-4794-bb63-b0ce00ba5147' from origin 'http://localhost:5265' has been blocked by CORS policy: Method PATCH is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response.

Here is my CORS policy in the Web API. It is called before anything else adding services.

builder.Services.AddCors(options =>
        builder =>
            builder.WithOrigins("http://localhost:56075", "http://localhost:5265",

I have tried various combinations here including of allowing all methods, headers, and origins. In other words opening it wide up which isn't a great security tactic anyways.

Here is my client side code for the call.

public async Task Patch(string id, JsonPatchDocument<TableName> patchDoc)
    var url = "http://localhost:5259/SharedServices/Commands/TableName/patch/" +
    var resultStr = await url.WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json-patch+json").PatchJsonAsync(patchDoc)

I have tried about every online suggestion to fix this. One problem is there are a lack of issue reports for later versions of -- post addition of addCORS. I have tried various browsers thinking this maybe a browser issue but no luck there either. Is this possibly a bug in core cors? I am also using Steeltoe. Is it possible it is interfering with this?

Is there any way to turn off a preflight request or modify it?

I tried to use various clients such as httpclient, restsharp, flurl. Also tried using a PUT and got the same issue. I have also tried various browsers. The expected result is a successful unblocked call to my web api method.

Thanks for any help you can give!

2 Replies


I have tried to solve and summarise your issue for the PATCH method not being allowed in Blazor due to CORS restrictions, let me know if this helps.

Understanding the Issue:

  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): A browser security mechanism that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the page.
  • Preflight Requests (for non-standard methods like PATCH): Browsers send an initial OPTIONS request to check allowed methods before making the actual PATCH request.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods Header: The server must explicitly list PATCH in this response header to grant permission.

Resolving the Issue in Blazor:

  1. Configure CORS in Startup.cs:

    • Add the CORS middleware:


services.AddCors(options =>
        builder => builder.WithOrigins("http://localhost:5000") // Adjust origins as needed
                           .AllowAnyMethod() // Or explicitly list PATCH


  • Apply the policy in the app's middleware pipeline:




  • Enable CORS in ASP.NET Core Web API (if applicable):

    • Use EnableCors attribute on controllers or actions:


public IActionResult PatchData()
    // ...


@JaiminsoniThank you for the helpful suggestions. This turned out to be a conflict with Steeltoe. When using AddAllActuators the Steeltoe code is adding it's own CORS policy overriding anything that I was setting up. When adding each actuator separately then it works. This was a tough one to solve. I was only able to do that by looking at the CORS policy collection and noticing there was an additional one above mine.