What's new in Viva Insights - April 2023
Published Apr 17 2023 11:50 PM 3,394 Views

New meeting features

Over the next month, we’re releasing a few updates to meeting insights in the Viva Insights app on Teams and web, and also in the digest email.

In the Viva Insights app

Actions in meeting category insights

Meeting category insights on the Productivity tab shows you how you’re allocating time across your Outlook meeting categories. We’re updating this feature to help you better align time spent in meetings with your goals.



If you have a Viva Insights subscription, you can use the updated Meeting category insights feature to:

  • View and edit meeting invites. 1
  • Cancel meetings or appointments you organized. 2 
  • Decline meetings you were invited to. 2
  • Categorize or recategorize meetings, including ones you’ve already categorized. 1

1: Available for all meetings

2: Available for single-instance meetings in the future or recurring meetings with at least one future instance

Sharing insights

We’re also updating how you can share insights.

If you have a Viva Insights subscription, you’ll soon be able to share your meeting category insights, including your category breakdown, meeting trends, and/or meeting details.

If you’re a manager or leader qualified to view organizational insights, you’ll soon be able to share those, too. When you share a link with another user, the link will take them to their own view of the insight.

New meeting feedback notification

We’ve added a new update for meeting effectiveness surveys. Previously, there wasn’t a way to let users know they had survey feedback. Now, if you’re using meeting effectiveness surveys, you’ll get Teams notifications for when you have new feedback. These notifications take you to the Productivity tab in the Viva Insights app in Teams, where you can review your survey responses.



In the digest email

Through a new card in the digest email, you can track your meeting time allocation across meeting categories. Then, you can use this information to evaluate whether this allocation aligns with your priorities.

Here’s what this card contains:

  • Top meeting categories of the last 4 weeks – Based on Outlook and Teams categories, view meeting categories you’ve spent the most time in over the last four weeks.
  • Categorize upcoming recommended meetings – Categorize your upcoming meetings directly.
  • Productivity page – Select this button to get to Meeting category insights in the Viva Insights app. Here, you can explore your category breakdown, trends, and details.


This card will be available to you if you:

  • Have a Viva Insights subscription.
  • In the last four weeks, have categorized over 40 hours of meetings and more than 20% of your total meetings.
Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 17 2023 04:50 PM
Updated by: