Live events vs gotowebinar

Copper Contributor

Hi, my company is considering moving from GoToWebinar to Live events but when comparing it looks like live events are missing some important features, like:

  • in event file sharing
  • quick polling
  • pre-event info display
  • attendee report

Does anyone have information on if and when these features could be coming or are there other ways to reach the same functionality?

3 Replies

@Bartolomo Hi there- this is a great tutorial on how to create a pre-event info display or Lobby display:

Here is the uservoice to vote for polling in a live event:


Our org uses a form that we post with a short link in a slide - the audience has to use the shortlink to open the poll on their own, but it does well as a workaround and most people do participate even though it is an extra step.

@Ethan Stern that's perfect, many thanks.  I've added my vote to the uservoice.


So how do you share the slides?  Pre-meeting via the meeting request or do you have another trick to share in-meeting?

@Bartolomo you're very welcome!  I just share content as a presenter in the live event and put up a slide with instructions on how to access the poll. So, just presenting in the live event -