
Brass Contributor

unable to display webinar feature at New Meeting @teams


we have run Powershell commands


Install-Module -Name MicrosofTTeams

Import-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams




AllowPrivateMeetingScheduling must be set to True for AllowMeetingRegistration

to work :

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -AllowPrivateMeetingScheduling $True




Turn on Meeting Registration :


Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -AllowMeetingRegistration $True


Allow only users in your organization to register for webinars:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -WhoCanRegister EveryoneInCompany

To allow anyone, including anonymous users, to register for webinars, run:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -WhoCanRegister EveryoneInCompany





2 Replies
Did you set it on the global policy or any other and made sure the user trying have that policy applied? Your cmdlets didn’t specify a policy! Also the last two (Whocanregister) can only have one value! And don’t affect the button being there or not
Thanks After running PowerShell commands webinar is working fine