Microsoft Tech Talks (MTT) | Going Password-less with FIDO 2


Microsoft Tech Talks (MTT) | Going Password-less with FIDO2

Wednesday - May 21, 2020 - 1:00PM - 3:00PM CDT

*content deck attached below*

Passwords stink. Users hate them because they are too hard to remember and change, admins hate them because they are hard to manage. Only hackers love them, because they are so easy to steal and hack with.

See how to enable real-world password-less authentication with Azure AD and FIDO2 in 10 minutes or less!


Event Agenda
1:00 – 1:15 pm Introductions and announcements
01:15 – 02:30 pm Presentation
02:30 – 03:00 pm Q&A, Survey, networking


JJ Streicher-Bremer, Sr PFE is a Premier Field Engineer who has been working at Microsoft for 14 years. His focus is on Hybrid Identity, which means integration between legacy (on-premises) and cloud based identities, access controls that span both those worlds, and enabling mobile workers to securely access corporate data from anywhere in the world.


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