Print Job quota per year instead of per month

Print Job quota per year instead of per month



 Jan 27 2022
2 Comments (2 New)
Not planned

With many educational institution purchasing things on a yearly basis, it would be nice if the print job quota could be setup as a yearly quota instead of monthly.  For the base license this would be 60 jobs for the year per license. This would help when events like career fairs as held on campus (high demand) vs a normal month.

Status changed to: Looking into it

Thank-you for this feedback.  We have heard similar feedback from other customers.  In the meantime, please check the EDU specific discounts on our volume add-ons (

Universal Print now includes 100 jobs per user per month (pooled at the tenant level), up from 5, for many licenses, which meets the monthly needs of most customers.


See the documentation and our latest announcement for more details. We're not planning to change the billing period at this time.