Allow blocking print jobs with conditional access

Allow blocking print jobs with conditional access



 May 25 2022
5 Comments (5 New)
Looking into it

Currently there's no way to block users from printing to any organisational printer from anywhere,

with conditional access you can restrict this to specific sites/IP's

Status changed to: Looking into it
Copper Contributor

Any update on conditional access for universal print? 

Copper Contributor

That sound like a fantastic idea please implement it. 

Copper Contributor

This is exactly what I'm looking for!!!!

Please push it urgently!!!!



Copper Contributor

This is a great request. In our environment, we have over 1,000+ locations and some have different floors/Rooms. Can't control printing will become a major issue. We want the user to be able to print but at the same time, we want to restrict the access by specify some conditions.

For example, when the user logs into a computer within her/him assigned work location (building) and floor/Room, user can print (allow). If user is login to a computer outside of the range, user cannot print (block).

If not by user, maybe make printer available only on provided computer (we can identify the computer information and set only this computer can print to this printer).

UP is great but without some ways to restrict user access things can get very wrong in real life situation.