Moving Google CloudPrint Brother MFC-J5730DW to connector-less Universal Print service

Copper Contributor


New to the Universal Print preview program.


Our current Google CloudPrint service connects directly and easily to our remote standard Brother MFC-J5730DW printers (without any onsite print servers). I understood that  Microsoft UP service did the same thing.


Despite there being several references to this I keep reading in the instructions that we must run a Windows device to run the UP connector.


As the Google CloudPrint works (which I understand uses IPP), How do I add the printer to the Microsoft Universal Print service (without using a Connector)?


I also spoke to Brother and they advised they were unaware of any discussions with Microsoft or plans to introduce support for Microsoft Universal Print, and would not support it on our Brother printers.


Many thanks!


2 Replies

@SSN_Steve Printers with Google Cloud Print enabled don't necessarily work with Universal Print. 


For Universal Print, manufacturers need to add the capability. Manufacturers may have their own timelines and will confirm their plans when they are ready to share.


In the meantime, you can either try out printers that are UP ready or use the connector.

Thanks @Saurabh_Bansal 

As the main stated objective of our participation in the preview was this functionality, there's no point in me continuing with UP.


Disappointing - 4 hours of my life I won't get back.


